History and Development of Tanning Leather


history of leather tanning industry 850x350 min

Tannery is one of the oldest human activities in the world. Initially, the skin obtained from animal husbandry and hunting activities was used as leather clothing or tents. However, the animal’s skin becomes stiff when in low temperatures while it will rot when heated. Therefore, humans try to make animal skin more flexible and stronger by rubbing animal fat on the skin. This was the beginning of tanning process mentioned in the alphabet of the Assyrians and Iliad Homer.

Below is various kind of the tannery in earlier times…

  1. The first tanning process is skin bloat, which initially occurs by chance and then becomes tanning skin using the chemical formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is a chemical found in water vapour that is produced by burning green leaves and tree branches. Based on this, there was a discovery where the decomposition process on animal skins could also be stopped by drying in the sun or salting with salt.
  2. Tannery of plant bark has also been known since tanning process uses the oak tree was discovered.
  3. Another skin tanning method known in the early days is skin tanning using alum (a kind of mineral that is widespread in various parts of the world, especially in areas around the volcano).

These methods have gradually become more artsy and efficient. Making them used in ancient Civilization and continuing from the century to the present. The use of these methods has also been widespread since Archaeologist discover manuscripts and paintings. In the Mesopotamian region between the 3rd millennium BC to the 5th millennium BC.

In what form did humans in ancient times treat leather? For example, the Sumerians used leather as long dresses and crowns for women. The Assyrians used leather as footwear, but also as a water bag and as a float raft. Ancient Indians first made a kind of skin type known today as “Morocco”. The ancient Egyptians had also made great progress in processing animal skins used for clothing, glove, tools, weapons or ornaments.

Strabo, a historian tells an interesting thing from the discovery of the Tunisians, which is to make water pipes from the skin. In ancient Roman times, leather was used extensively throughout the Roman Empire province. During this time, more efficient tanning techniques were discovered where they were not developed in that area.

Jump to the 8th century AD, Spain (later under influence of the Moors) has developed a leather product called Cordovan. The product is a type of skin that is famous throughout Europe for centuries. The ability to tan leather Cordova type is not so special in the western world as told by Marco Polo. On his journey, Marco Polo said Mongols used bottles, blankets, masks, and hats made of leather that had been artfully decorated. From this Marco Polo coined the phrase “ Russian Skin “. which shows a kind of skin with a distinctive odour.

The tannery process develops very rapidly. The rapid progress of the tannery technique occurred in the 12th century AD in the absence of major changes in the tannery technique. Although tanning leather with oil is used for the production of protective clothing. In the 14th century AD, the use of leather was mixed with wood on chairs, armrests, and long chairs made with skills that had reached the level of art form. This is also the same as the rugs (especially in Venice in the 15th and 16th centuries) with cabinets and crates, and volumes of books.

Drastic changes has been occure lately with the discovery of the ability of chrome salt to tan the skin so that it can increase production and be turned around in the industry. Other drastic changes occur with the replacement of the tanning hole component with a rotary drum. The results of these innovations make the tanning process shorter than 8-12 months to just a few days.

Back in the past, by looking at the systems and tools used to work on the skin, it can be seen that from the Palaeolithic era to the present, the process and tools have almost no change, only that they were more efficient and comfortable. The same tools for skinning, scrapping, shaving, hanging, and decorating the skin found in every age. This clearly show the fact that the process of tanning is closely related to the history of humanity.